Rejected DM | jack huncho

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Your Nick-Name
Fareezad Fareezad

Suspect Nick-Name
jack huncho
Jan 31, 2025


I was on my way to fishing spot & accident hit group of players hangout there then my car crash.I got killed & it's wrong to kill players in white zone especially player that's doesn't retaliate the gun fight. 1 of 'Newly' appointed admin rejected this report by saying it's not break any rules. I don't kill anyone with my car or break any rules with my car & I got killed while in my car.Who recording when he want to go somewhere.I got my POV I got killed so?
If you can player kill because feeling annoying so what's the point having rules? Hahaha Remember actions should not led by feelings.Game already state player kill will result in jail.Game doesn't state if you player kill just because you feel annoyed it allowed.
This for 3 times he give this accident, and he got rejected 2 times lol. He really want me go to jail, i think he want revenge cause he kick out from my fam :)
And he say he want go to fishing, Do you think you are on the right track farez bro ? If u in right track, how ur car crash in there ? Thanks :)
When car crash you can't control where it will crash.You guys stay there & knew I will use that route.Beside killing player in white zone still wrong.Rule is rule.Your fam not even active for me to take revenge Hahaha.
He thought his family is rich & strong even after most of them join Viper still can't fight with Liberty at PF Hahaha.This dude is mad I using this route while using a new car.BTW this 2nd times he killed me while I in car.First I can't make POV because I don't have time to react.
No rulebreak found.

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