1. Your IRL name Dev
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone (IST)
4. Average online per day 4-6 HOURS
5. Your Discord dev100sigma
6. Your ingame name Dev hg
7. Your ID 119077
Additional information
1. Leader for...vipers
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
Answer: There are some reasons of being the vipers leader they are :
--I am a good listener and a good understanding person so I will hear everything and understand everyone plan then take action..I am very polite and good so I talk in a good way so everyone can share the personal things with me ...
--I want to help new players and I know all rules and regulations so it help gang members and new players...
-- I have many skills like I have communication, shooting and driving skills I want to dedicate my skills to gang...
-- I saw that players donot have good shooting and driving so I will give them all training every week ...
-- If any new players want to join I will personally teach them rules if I am not free I will tell any hc ..
-- I saw in many examples like that many leader give entry to their friends without interview but I will not do that I will ask randomly question if they don't know 1st warning if again it will lead to punishment if again dismissed...
-- cause some players join with the help of their hc friends I will make sure it will not happen in my gang.
-- I will respect all gang members and all new players too ..
-- I will take hard interviews so we can get trained players and good players...
-- as I said I will take driving and shooting test so if our players being good in these skills so we have so much benefits we can become better than others ...
-- I have 7 organisation experience that can helpful to gang members and new players
(iv)2xlos nomadas
(v) 2xArmy
(vi) Government
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay
in the organization.
Answer: I think all is good but that i mentioned:
--some players join gang without knowing rules so I will make sure that everyone know the rules I will ask randomly questions if they will know good if not I will teach them if again it will lead to punishment if again it will lead to dismissal.
-- I will also take test of driving and shooting skills...
-- I will ask interviewers to ask hard questions so we can get trained and good gang members that can help us in winning raids ..and pf events too.
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone (IST)
4. Average online per day 4-6 HOURS
5. Your Discord dev100sigma
6. Your ingame name Dev hg
7. Your ID 119077
Additional information
1. Leader for...vipers
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
Answer: There are some reasons of being the vipers leader they are :
--I am a good listener and a good understanding person so I will hear everything and understand everyone plan then take action..I am very polite and good so I talk in a good way so everyone can share the personal things with me ...
--I want to help new players and I know all rules and regulations so it help gang members and new players...
-- I have many skills like I have communication, shooting and driving skills I want to dedicate my skills to gang...
-- I saw that players donot have good shooting and driving so I will give them all training every week ...
-- If any new players want to join I will personally teach them rules if I am not free I will tell any hc ..
-- I saw in many examples like that many leader give entry to their friends without interview but I will not do that I will ask randomly question if they don't know 1st warning if again it will lead to punishment if again dismissed...
-- cause some players join with the help of their hc friends I will make sure it will not happen in my gang.
-- I will respect all gang members and all new players too ..
-- I will take hard interviews so we can get trained players and good players...
-- as I said I will take driving and shooting test so if our players being good in these skills so we have so much benefits we can become better than others ...
-- I have 7 organisation experience that can helpful to gang members and new players
(iv)2xlos nomadas
(v) 2xArmy
(vi) Government
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay
in the organization.
Answer: I think all is good but that i mentioned:
--some players join gang without knowing rules so I will make sure that everyone know the rules I will ask randomly questions if they will know good if not I will teach them if again it will lead to punishment if again it will lead to dismissal.
-- I will also take test of driving and shooting skills...
-- I will ask interviewers to ask hard questions so we can get trained and good gang members that can help us in winning raids ..and pf events too.

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