P pali sandhu Player Player Tuesday at 7:04 PM #1 abusing bad word to me in hindi language Last edited: Wednesday at 4:22 AM
Vasant Gawde Server Administrator Server Administrator Wednesday at 2:27 AM #3 Before I begin reviewing this complaint, please correct the Title. Check the Rules for Submitting a Complaint. Rule break | Name/ID You have 12 hours to fix the title.
Before I begin reviewing this complaint, please correct the Title. Check the Rules for Submitting a Complaint. Rule break | Name/ID You have 12 hours to fix the title.
Vasant Gawde Server Administrator Server Administrator Wednesday at 5:17 AM #5 Approved After reviewing the evidence, I have decided to accept this complaint. ID 318231 will be punished for GR 3.1.
Approved After reviewing the evidence, I have decided to accept this complaint. ID 318231 will be punished for GR 3.1.