Recent content by NOT GAMING

  1. N

    Pending review leader for army | somaligamer

    Bro see your timezone in every application you sumit
  2. N

    Rejected LEADER FOR ARMY | malliankam ankam

    Bro are you serious? You make army FBI. You are not suitable for army Leadership
  3. N

    Rejected Leader For Army | Nelson Fx

    (Nelson) A Very Kind Person. He Have A Such Great Experience. I Work With Him He Is Very Desciplined And Mature Person He Is Very Knowledgeable Person. You Can See He Serve 2 Terms As FBI Leader He Make Whole System Perfect And Desciplined He Is Always Perfect For ARMY
  4. N

    Rejected Leader Of PD | Darksidedevil Dd

    You Are Deserving To Become Police Department Chief
  5. N

    Rejected Assistant application | ZXarther Mv

    He Is Deserving To Become An Assistant
  6. N

    Rejected Leader for hospital | Nelson Fx

    Best application for Medic Leader Nelson Sir Is Best For Ems Leader Because He Do Every Work With His Pure Heart He Is Best Also You Can See He Complete His FBI 2 Term I Work With Him He Is Super Person And Great Heart Person If He Get Leadership He Will Make EMS ON TOP
  7. N

    Approved Fail RP | Dev Jain

    There is the full pov you can see he force stop the game when he sit in the car
  8. N

    Approved Fail RP | Dev Jain

    Pd is conducting a event so he come and kill a person infront of everyone and when I am gone a impose him fine so he do force stop his game you can see in the pov
  9. N

    Rejected Leader of Government | Rajput Assassin

    He is very good for governor
  10. N

    Reviewed NLR, Gh 2.25 | Vipers

    Not offtopic - go in description you will get
  11. N

    Rejected GR 1.8 | Dev Jain

    No off topic - You can't chat in forum its prohibited and you and you can't say twick word in public
  12. N

    Rejected GR 1.8 | Dev Jain

    Not off topic - In reply in forum its prohibited and first learn rules, you can't make 2 account and can do twick also you provoking me in mails