Recent content by Piyush raj.

  1. P

    On consideration Leader for army I Piyush Raj

    Information Your IRL Name: Piyush Raj Your Age: 19 Time Zone: IST (GMT+5:30) Average Online Per Day: 2-4 hours Your Discord: piyushraj Your In-Game Name: Piyush Raj Your ID: 114252 Additional Information Leader for: Army Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization...
  2. P

    Rejected Leader for Police Department | Assassin Enigma

    will be a good leader
  3. P

    Approved Fear RP, PG | Tanay Gupta

    its IC not OCC
  4. P

    Reviewed Leader for Inferno | Griffin Gallowaytiv

    will be a good leader
  5. P

    Rejected NLR I RISHIK NAIN

    see the kill field sir he was killed 3 times in a same fam raid event
  6. P

    Rejected NLR I RISHIK NAIN

    we were not using hack or NLR
  7. P

    Rejected NLR I RISHIK NAIN

  8. P

    Rejected NLR I RISHIK NAIN

    see the kill field. all in pov
  9. P

    Approved Banned under investigation I mujo simba

    wait let me complete
  10. P

    Approved Banned under investigation I mujo simba

    Dear Mujo Simna Sir, I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request reconsideration of my ban, which was placed on 13-01-2025 due to an investigation related to purchasing ammo from Ranja. After the ban, I learned that the issue stemmed from Ranja selling ammo stolen from an organization. I...
  11. P

    Rejected DM | GOD AYUSH AND Piyush Raj

    He added my name for take revenge of last forum i posted against him. As I didn't fired a single in that raid.
  12. P

    Rejected DM | GOD AYUSH AND Piyush Raj

    Dear admins pls note that He is breaking NLR in first video. Also pov is very short and not clear.
  13. P

    Rejected Admin application I Piyush raj

    Your IRL name: Piyush raj 2. Your age: 19 3. Time zone: GMT+5:30 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Please enter the time, for example, from 10:00 to 19:00): 15:30 - 19:00 5. Average activity per day (in hours): 4 - 6 6. Your Discord: piyushraj 7. Your ingame...
  14. P

    Approved DM,NLR and Fail RP I 80, 187

    @Sai Federal