Recent content by MTG KING


    Appreciation to administrators

     From: MTG KING To: THE WHOLE ADMIN TEAM I'm really grateful to have the BEST ADMIN TEAM ever! They are always there to help us in any situation and guide us through every challenge. They are the true  PILLARS of RP GRAND, keeping everything running smoothly. A huge salute to the CHIEF ADMIN...

    Pending review DM | AssassianxRana MRxlj

    Hello Sir, Today at the PF Event this guy was killing to someone before the pf event starts!

    On consideration Leader For Media | MTG KING

    Information 1. Your IRL name: Paras Patel 2. Your age: 17 3. Time zone: IST 4. Average online per day: 10+ Hours (if got term) 5. Your Discord: harshadmehta01 6. Your ingame name: MTG KING 7. Your ID: 30613 Additional information 1. Leader for...MEDIA 2. Why do you want to be the...

    Rejected Discord Ban | Dyno Bot

    Hello Mujo Sir, it's been likely 7 Days I have been got banned for sending files, I'm really sorry for it Sir, I know Sir I should be responsible for it but Sir it has happened mistakenly as I told and also Sir 30 days ban is too much time of punishment as I did it first time I didn't got warn...

    Rejected Discord Ban | Dyno Bot

    My Discord ID: 1153714779245006878 Hello Mujo Sir, I was recently banned from the RP Grand Discord server by the Dyno Bot for sending files. I intended to share the files with a friend in his private dm, but one of them was accidentally posted in the RP Grand server. This mistake was...

    Approved Blocked For GR 1.9 | Mujo Simba

    Hello Dear Mujo Sir, My account got blocked for 60 Days and i got to know that i breaked GR 1.9 Rule Sir, and also sir I swear that i didn't aware of this rule GR 1.9 as it was my first mistake plz pardon me and if possible plz unwipe my whole money and unban me sir. Thank You.

    Rejected E.R 1.8 | Liberty

    Not off-topic: Because u were having only 25k? + Just show full pov as I know u had turned on but u are not giving the whole pov because u have told to change ur rank to joinee.

    Rejected E.R 1.8 | Liberty

    Not Off-Topic As tho can you send whole pov coz at first u were hc in the viper gang u told to someone to change ur rank to joinee which is wrong and as per u were having 25k soo asked 25k provide whole pov of the situation from start to end.

    Reviewed NLR | MTG king

    Not Off Topic Can you send the pov of whole situation as though u were died and u camed back on the same place with ur personal car.
  10. MTG KING

    Reviewed GR 6.15 | Vipers

    As per in the pov, you should conclude it because its written give us 75k ur hc soo from which he is trying to kidnap me and we can see there that there are no org cars like there is mini cooper which is his own persnal car and when he was kidnapping me at that time i turn on my pov, as its...
  11. MTG KING

    Reviewed G.H 1.6 + G.R 3.3 | Liberty

    Not Off Topic:- There is not pant as blue soo we have is to wear the dark blue pant which seems like black pant , and that area is not considered as green zone soo we can talk in fl
  12. MTG KING

    Rejected Inactivity | Cherish Chedda

    Hello Dear Mujo Sir, I want to raise a concern regarding the handling of report, particularly about the gang Vipers and it's Curator Cherish Chedda. For a long time, I have submitted multiple reports detailing the rule-breaking activities of Vipers. These reports contain clear evidence of...
  13. MTG KING

    Reviewed CR 2.25, CR 2.21 | Vipers

    Not Off Topic. In the pov we can see clearly that one viper member camed inside the zone and went outside the zone, and didn't camed back for next 7 seconds.
  14. MTG KING

    Approved MetaGaming | Vipers

    Hello Sir, 2 members of vipers was spamming + doing MetaGaming mixing. Pov is given below. Thank You.
  15. MTG KING

    Reviewed Gh 2.13, 2.22, 2.27, 2.29 | Vipers

    Hello Sir, they attacked on us and they kept AR Ammo as in the Terms And Conditions and one of there member bring car inside zone + used shotgun + he was using armour. Proof is given below check it out.