Recent content by Kang Sarkaar

  1. K

    Rejected Leader For Army | Kang Sarkaar

     Basic Information I. Your IRL Name: Sameer Singh II. Your Age: 21 III. Time Zone: IST+5:30 IV. Daily Activity: 7-8 Hours V. Discord ID: kang_sarkaar037349 VI. IC Game Name: Kang Sarkaar VII. IC Game ID: 128542 Q.1. Leader For: Army Q.2. Why would you like to be the Leader of the Army? = I...
  2. K

    Approved GR.3.3 And 6.12 | HamdanpPanda Shah
  3. K

    Approved GR.3.3 And 6.12 | HamdanpPanda Shah

    Sir, a player named Hamdanpanda Shah is coming to the hospital, but he is using abusive language and foul words. I am doing my duty, but his behavior is making all the brothers and sisters here feel very uncomfortable and ashamed.
  4. K

    Rejected Leader For Hospital | Kang Sarkaar

    Basic information I.⁠ ⁠Your IRL name: Sameer Singh II.⁠ ⁠Your age: 21 III.⁠ ⁠Time zone: IST+5:30 IV.⁠ ⁠Average activity per day (in hours): 6 to 7 Hours V.⁠ ⁠Your Discord: kang_sarkaar037349 VI.⁠ ⁠Your in-game name: Kang Sarkaar VII.⁠ ⁠Your In-game I'd: 128542 Additional Information...
  5. K

    Rejected Leader For Hospital | Kang Sarkaar

    Basic information I.⁠ ⁠Your IRL name: Sameer Singh II.⁠ ⁠Your age: 21 III.⁠ ⁠Time zone: IST+5:30 IV.⁠ ⁠Average activity per day (in hours): 6 to 7 Hours V.⁠ ⁠Your Discord: kang_sarkaar037349 VI.⁠ ⁠Your ingame name: Kang Sarkaar VII.⁠ ⁠Your In-game I'd :- 128542 Q.1.⁠Leader for: Hospital...
  6. K

    Rejected Leader for Hospital | deepp patell

    Guy's Please don't spam ( Shadow Sir, Already Said Off topic comments will receive punishment 😕!!. So, I request you don't spam please guy's Just a Patience...
  7. K

    Rejected Leader for Hospital | deepp patell

    ** Best application for hp **
  8. K

    Reviewed Admin Application | Kang Sarkaar

    Important: I. IRL Name: Sammer Singh II. Age: 21 III. Time Zone: IST+5:30 IV. Playtime (Server Time): 10:30 to 14:30 17:30 to 20:00 V. Daily Activity: 7-8 hours (more on weekends) VI. Discord ID: kang_sarkaar037349 VII. In-Game Name: Kang Sarkaar VIII. In-Game ID: 128542 IX. Admin...
  9. K

    Rejected Leader For Los Nomadas | Kang Sarkaar

    Information Your IRL Name:- Sameer Singh Your Age:- 21 Time Zone:- IST+5:30 Daily Activity:- 7-8 Hours Discord I'd:- kang_sarkaar037349 IC Game Name:- kang Sarkaar IC Game Id:- 128542 Q.1. Leader for:- Los Nomadas Q.2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization...
  10. K

    Rejected Corruption | Sai Federal

    Dear Respected Chief, I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing about my application for the FBI leadership position, which I submitted last Wednesday. It’s been five days now, and I haven’t heard back from the admin team about what’s next. I just wanted to let you know that I’m ready and eager to...
  11. K

    Rejected FL | Los Nomadas

    Sir, This is forum don't chat and sir, I am not saying you are in los nomadas first check it - these players are using Fl language in los nomadas public voice.. and 2nd one Dyuti sir, is in los nomadas...!
  12. K

    Rejected Leader For FBI | Kang Sarkaar

    Information Your IRL Name:- Sameer Singh Your Age:- 21 Time Zone:- IST+5:30 Daily Activity:- 7-8 Hours Discord I'd:- kang_sarkaar037349 IC Game Name:- kang Sarkaar IC Game Id:- 128542 Q.1. Leader For :- FBI Q.2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three...
  13. K

    Rejected Leader For Vipers | Kang Sarkaar

    Information Your IRL Name:- Sameer Singh Your Age:- 21 Time Zone:- IST+5:30 Daily Activity:- 7-8 Hours Discord I'd:- kang_sarkaar037349 IC Game Name:- kang Sarkaar IC Game Id:- 128542 Q.1. Leader for:- Vipers Q.2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization? I...
  14. K

    Rejected Leader For Los Nomadas | Kang Sarkaar

    Information Your IRL Name:- Sameer Singh Your Age:- 21 Time Zone:- IST+5:30 Daily Activity:- 7-8 Hours Discord I'd:- kang_sarkaar037349 IC Game Name:- kang Sarkaar IC Game Id:- 128542 Q.1. Leader for:- Los Nomadas Q.2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific...