1. Your name IRL: Neel banik
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hrs
5. Your Discord: neel.xr
6. Your Nickname: Neel
7. Your ID: 373111
Additional information
1. Leader of: Police department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
notofftopic: As per state rules a state employees can't use personal vehicle so through on that way I'm going back to police department but on that situation bapu king again did murder of a public servent, discharging of weapon and brandising!! Even I didn't remembered anything of that situation...
Bapu king an government member (rank 16 usss lieutinent) did murder of a public servent, discharged and brandising of a weapon . See it's corruption
Alpha playz is an ems deputy head of division. But you can see she had involved on that , have wanted stars and she shoot over cop(police officer)...
1. Your IRL name : Neel Banik
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : gmt 5.30+ (ist)
4. Average online per day : 3-4hours/day
5. Your Discord : @neel_mty
6. Your ingame name : neel Banik
7. Your ID : 373111
Additional information
1. Leader for Government
2. Why do you want to be...
1. Your IRL name : Neel Banik
2. Your age : 19+
3. Time zone : gmt 5.30+ (ist)
4. Average online per day : 3-4hours/day
5. Your Discord : @neel_mty
6. Your ingame name : neel Banik
7. Your ID : 373111
Additional information
1. Leader for Government
2. Why do you want to...
1. Real name : Neel banik
2. Age : 20
3. Timezone : Gmt 5.30+ (india)
4. Average daily playing time : 3-4hours daily
5. Discord I'd : Neel_mty
6. IC name : Neel Banik
7. IC I'D : 373111
Additional information
1. Leader for LOS NOMADAS
2. I'm excited to apply for the...